Jun 23, 2020
Kelli and Conner tell it how it is: They share refreshing unfiltered Real Talk around sexual taboos and conscious relationships. They’ve teamed up on the OK, Babe Podcast to squash shame and help others navigate communication and sex.
#36 Show Notes - Threesomes, Sexual Taboos & Conscious Relationships: Kelli Tennant & Conner Moore from OK, Babe
We Discuss;
5:22 - The different relationship "camps" and specifically "monogamish" relationships.
14:50 - Different perspectives; zooming out from your own personal experience for a fuller picture of BLM protesting, looting, and the media's role in narrating perspective.
18:14 - The meeting of social movements/unrest, COVID-19, Donald Trump, racial injustice, and even astrology as a necessary collision for changing the narrative.
22:05 - The wellness space, psychedelics, white privilege and how to make the message of wellness more inclusive.
34:00 - Anti-racism, Ibram Kendi and change through conscious action and difficult conversation.
38:14 - Power distribution, prison reform, the War on Drugs, psychedelic studies, the education system, and distractions.
43:02 - Nadine Burke Harris and "ACEs" - Adverse Childhood Experiences, epigenetics and generational trauma.
51:45 - The church, shame/guilt, childhood sexual trauma, veteran trauma, and the perpetuation of war and conflict on earth.
Sponsor Info:
This show is supported by:
Soul Lift Cacao - Best ceremonial raw cacao money can buy
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Connect with Kelli and Conner
Instagram:@okbabeshow , @kellimtennant , @connerwanders
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